down syndrome congress logo

Current Research in Down Syndrome

Editor’s note: In the last year, I’ve seen several newspaper articles with headlines that suggest a “cure” for Down syndrome is within reach. If you read beyond the headlines, you understand that it’s really not happening tomorrow or even next year. But, not everyone reads beyond the headlines and sometimes well-intentioned friends, family members and…

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Guidelines for Telling Your Child about ASD

Back in the 1980s and 1990s, a highly controversial topic of conversation among parents and professionals was the question, “Should we tell our child that he has autism?” Today we have learned that such self-knowledge is essential, that children need to understand how and why they may feel different from others around them, and what…

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Future for Aspergers Children

Prognosis  There is some evidence that kids with ASPERGERS may see a lessening of symptoms as they mature. Up to 20% of kids may no longer meet the diagnostic criteria as grown-ups, although social and communication difficulties may persist. As of 2006, no studies addressing the long-term outcome of people with ASPERGERS are available and…

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Tips for Outdoor Play with Your Child

Playing outside is one of those rites of childhood that gets championed by people who feel kids today spend too much time in front of a screen. Fresh air, exercise, creative activity — that’s all great, sure, but for those of us who have children with special needs, outdoor play can be problematic. Medical issues…

child thinks about LBC

Manipulation in Asperger Children

A child with Asperger’s may have a meltdown in the toy store because you won’t buy that outer space building set. He might be a skilled negotiator about bedtime or recite facts about turtles instead of answering your question about school. It’s easy to term these behaviors “manipulation,” but this isn’t always accurate. It can…

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Learning Trends in Autism Research

When it comes to autism research, there’s always something new to discover. From the best treatments to the latest developments in screening and genetics, this is a fast-moving area of medical science. Theories and therapies change all the time, and it’s important for parents, teachers, and caregivers to stay up to date on the latest…