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Kids, TV, and ADHD

The more television a child watches between the ages of 1 and 3, the greater his or her likelihood of developing attention problems by age 7. So how can you control TV watching in your house? A recently completed study at Children’s Hospital and Regional Medical Center in Seattle indicated that for every hour a… logo

Seven Keys to Childhood Obedience

Parents want their children to willingly obey them. Here’s how to accomplish that. Learning obedience is an important part of child development. This is the tool that allows you, as parents, to train your child. Through obedience, your child will learn self-control and develop other positive character traits that he will need as an adult.…

man poses next to painting

Autism and Special Talents

We’ve read many stories on your website about families who discover a special talent in a child, teenager or even adult with autism. How can we help our son find his special gift or passion? Answer by Amy Hess (right), mother to Henry and the site coordinator for the Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network Center…

man plays with cookie monster

Tips for Parenting Kids with OCD

Many excellent parents struggle with how to appropriately parent their child/teen with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Unfortunately, this process is rarely straightforward and is often counter-intuitive, which leaves many parents feeling anxious and confused. As a psychologist in Palm Beach County, Florida, I work closely with kids, teens, and parents throughout the greater Palm Beach, Fort…

pesticide irrigator

More Evidence Linking Pesticide Exposure to Autism

More Evidence Linking Pesticide Exposure to Autism Autism more common among children whose moms lived near treated fields during pregnancy; experts redouble advice to avoid exposure June 23, 2014 A study out of northern California’s MIND Institute found increased risk of autism among the children of mothers who lived near pesticide-treated fields during pregnancy. A…

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Can Food Allergies Aggravate Autism Symptoms?

Can Food Allergies Aggravate Autism Symptoms? “Can food allergies produce inflammation that causes bad days for someone with autism?” This week’s Food for Thought answer is by nutritionist Kelly Barnhill, director of clinical care at the Johnson Center for Child Health & Development, in Austin, Texas. Thank you for your great question. Food allergies can,…